Energetics provides 14 weeks paid parental leave, with no distinction between primary or secondary carer. Our policy is inclusive of our LGBTQI+ people and employees can decide how and when they take their leave within 12 months after the child’s birth or when the child has come into their care. This means our people can take a block of leave, reduce their working week, or even a combination of the two, to blend the best of both worlds.
Scott Hone, Senior Manager in our Brisbane office shared his experience in the lead up to the birth of his baby. |
“I plan on taking off a month and a bit after the baby is born to help my wife and myself adjust to having our first child. On return to work, I plan to use one day of parental leave a week. Then, as my wife’s family lives overseas, we will look at taking a few weeks off towards the end of the year to visit her family. Being able to have a significant amount of time off, with the flexibility in how to take that time, will help my wife and I with transitioning into parenthood and hopefully make the journey a bit smoother.” Scott Hone, Senior Manager. |